Category: Off-Topic

Finding Reiki


The title of this blog is slightly misleading. Because I didn’t find Reiki. It found me, as is the case for most people. See, you feel called, or drawn to Reiki.

Reiki means ‘Universal Life Energy.’ It’s a gentle, non-invasive holistic therapy which can be used to heal both physically and emotionally. If you are attuned to give Reiki, much as I joke about having ‘healing hands’ that’s not strictly true. You are simply able to act as a channel for this spiritual, universal energy to reach the recipient. Reiki is an intelligent energy, so whilst intentions can be set for how it works, it will always work for the highest good. In other words, it will help you in whatever way you need. I find it really tough to explain actually, and if you feel open to it, the only way to “get it” is to experience it.

My journey with Reiki started in July last year when I saw an event on Facebook for a First Degree Reiki attunement at the MS Therapy Centre. For unknown reasons, I felt that I just had to go on this course. I’d never even had a Reiki therapy at that point.

The course was booked in for the 15th September and before then I did finally experience Reiki and I just knew I was on the right path. My first therapy was about a week before I was due to go back into work after I’d been on long term sick after Lemtrada. Anxious is not a word I would use to describe myself. I’m pretty chilled out. But I’d started to get really worked up about going back to work. I had the most horrendous knot in my stomach. Reiki definitely helped me to relieve that. I had a “healing crisis” after my first session. This is normal in lots of people as “bad energy” gets unblocked from your system and can present itself in lots of different ways. For me it was uncontrollable sobbing and a splitting headache the day after! It didn’t put me off though and I had a further treatment before attending the course.

The First Degree attunement was easily the most spiritual experiences of my life. First degree has a heavy focus on self-healing, but also enables you to heal friends and family, pets and objects. So basically anything! Even food. You’re not going to make it organic or anything, but you can dissipate any negative energy that might be in it. Following on from the day long course, I had to practice Reiki everyday for 21 days and keep a journal of my experiences. This was the point at which I became a Reiki cynic. How on earth was I able to do this undefinable, sacred, pretty much magic, healing thing? I was totally open to receiving it from Nicola (my Reiki master), but I just couldn’t get my head around the fact that I was able to do this “thing” that I was in awe of. Receiving it is the most incredible gift and I really struggled to believe that I could give it.

In spite of my doubts, I persisted because they say that the more you use Reiki, the stronger your ability to attune to the energy becomes  And your confidence grows too. The first “a-ha” moment came for me six days after my attunement when I gave Poppy her first Reiki therapy. I had read a lot about Reiki for dogs and how you can give it to them. And she was exactly as they described. She remained so calm, and occasionally moved to direct me where she wanted my hands to go. Dogs are far more intuitive than us and just “know”. When she had had enough Reiki, which was about 40 minutes worth, she got up, licked me on the nose and walked off. Just like they described in what I had read. I couldn’t believe it! Maybe, just maybe…


By Day 16, when “switching on” Reiki, I had started to feel a shift of energy in my hands. I was starting to observe some really positive changes in my life. I was losing some obsessive habits that aren’t good for me. At the end of the 21 days, I received my certificate and continued to practice Reiki on myself whenever I felt called to do so. I purchased a massage table so that I could be comfortable whilst giving it to friends and family.

I eventually plucked up the courage to give the girls a therapy and I was met with an overwhelmingly positive response, and for the first time, I gave in to intuition whilst giving Reiki. It was a real confidence boost! After that, I continued to give the occasional therapy to people who wanted one but gave it mostly to myself and Poppy (when she let me!)

On Saturday, I had my second degree attunement. This is so exciting, because it means that I can call myself a Reiki Practitioner should I choose to. That means, I can have a business, although this isn’t something that I feel called to do right now. In addition, I can send Reiki over distance and to the past and future. In order to get my certificate, I need to do 30 of these types of therapies. At least 15 of these should be over distance. In addition I need to do four hands on therapies and receive four.

I am loving this journey so so much and I would say without a shadow of a doubt, this is the greatest thing I’ve ever discovered. Even better than sliced bread!