Alphabet Dating

Someone you’ll end up feeling like you know well from reading about him in this blog, is my right arm, best friend, soul mate and partner in crime, Dave. He’s the light of my life and one day I’ll write about how I met him. Right now though I want to tell you about my latest plans for us…

There are many things Dave and I share. A sense of humour, a love of dogs and peace and quiet. Neither of us are the most sociable of creatures and we’re both content chilling out together at home,  not really saying a lot at all. What is perhaps more important though, is we’re both willing to try anything once….within reason of course!!

It’s rare for me to listen to the radio at the weekend but on my way to the gym last weekend I heard Matt Edmondson on radio 1 talking about alphabet dating. This isn’t something I’ve ever heard of but I LOVE the idea. For those that haven’t heard of it, it pretty much does what it says on the tin – you go on dates that start with each letter of the alphabet from A right through to Z. I’ve told Dave all about it and he seems reasonably into the idea too. We’re going to try to keep it as low cost as possible but also try to make it things we’ve never done before. We’re not the first to do it and there are loads of ideas on the Internet but even so, I’ll blog our experiences here 🙂

So this evening we got to planning our “A” date. So far we’ve got:
African Dining
Aeroplane spotting
Art Gallery
Archery (currently my favourite idea)

Any other suggestions on a post card please!*

*or commented on the bottom :mrgreen: